Monday, April 1, 2013

Nando refuse to direct breast feeding

Cewah tajuk entri kali ni in English wokey… kui!kui!kui!
Sejak beberapa hari yang lalu saya perasan Nando akan menangis melalak jika saya direct BF kan nya. Saya ingatkan Nando telah kenyang tetapi melihatkan gayanya menghisap2 jari jemarinya yang comel itu membuatkan saya berfikir Nando sedang lapar@haus. Saya berasa sangat tertekan dengan keadaan itu.

Untuk mengelakkan nando menangis saya memberikan ASI menggunakan botol. Setelah habis dalam 2oz saya terus direct BF nando. Syukur dia mau. Kalau tidak boleh jadi tekanan mummynando ni.. hahaha.. 

Jadi saya pun GOOGLE lah untuk mengetahui kenapa Nando refuse to direct BF. Dalam 1 blog saya terbaca keadaan ini dipanggil “Nursing Strike”.  Dan (CNP dari Catlinaflybaby )

Google image

Punca - punca nursing stikes(NS):

  • Mastitis. Suppy susu ibu boleh berkurangan selepas demam/jangkitan dan kandungan sodiun/garam dalam badan boleh meningkat, menjadikan susu ibu sedikit masin.
  • Teething. Sesetengah bayi yang sedang tumbub gigi, mahu df dgn lebih kerap, tetapi sesetengah bayi, tidak mahu menyusu langsung.
  • Masalah kesihatan. Jika bayi menglamai hidung tersumbat, yis infection(thrush)sakit tekak atau sakit telinga, ia juga boleh mengganggu penyusuan. Jika masalah jangkita telinga yang menjadi punca, cuba menyusukan anak sambil bayi dlm keadaan duduk atau dlm posisi football.Jika hidung trsumbat dan juga ke sthrush,  dptkan rwtn dari klinik.Bayi yang sedang sakit juga lebih mudah menerima botol ketika ini kerana mekanisma menghisap puting botol lebioh mudah berbanding puting ibu.Jangan kecewa jika ibu2 sedang mengalami situasi ini.
  • Reaction to stress. Punca reaksi terhadap stress antaranya:
  1.  Diganggu oleh adik beradik lain ketika menyusu
  2. berpindah tempat baru
  3. terperanjat oleh ibu overreacted apabila digigit ketika menyusu
  4. stress ibu( masalah tempat kerja, masala
  5. h keluarga, kesedihan melampau) 
  6. ibu telah lama berjauhan dari bayi(atas urusan kerja dll)
  • Low milk supply. Disebabkan kesibukan/kurang mengepam atau si ibu jatuh sakit.
  • Slow milk let down reflect( menyebabkan bayi tidak sabar apabila menyusu)- jika boleh, stimulate nipple sebelum df supaya milk letdown reflect(LDR) lebih cepat
  • A change in the taste of the milk. Si ibu menyapu krim/perfume/bedak /sabun pada badan yang menyebabkan bau bdn ibu berubah.Penmakanan ibu juga boleh mempengaruhi bau susu ibu.
Tips menangani Nursing Strike

Tips for surviving a strike to nurse again:
  • Don’t force it. Offer the breast OFTEN but don’t try to force baby to nurse if he doesn’t want to. Remain cheerful. Say “Ok, we’ll nurse later then.”
  • Do NOT offer any bottles or artificial nipples!!!! This is VERY important. If you want to offer some water or EBM, do so only in a sippy cup.  By keeping nursing as the only means by which they can meet their sucking needs, it will help to draw them back to nursing.
  • Offer the breast when baby is sleepy or even asleep. Sometimes “unconsciousness” allows them to forget why they refused to nurse.
  • If baby likes baths, get in with hi
  • e frig or freezer and giving to baby to suck on prior to attempting to latch. Some babies like their gums rubbed. Experiment and find a way to give some relief
  • Try other positions. Avoid the usual “nursing chair” because if he’s upset, he’ll associate you sitting in that chair with whatever’s hurting/uncomfortable about nursing.
  • Remember that a striking baby is no happier about the situation than you are. They want to nurse but for some reason can’t or won’t.
  • Try not to worry. This is HARD!!! You can feel rejected, hurt, scared, and confused. It’s normal. But remember – he’s uncomfortable – he’s not rejecting you. If you help him he will return to the breast. He wants you to help him through this. You must be more stubborn than he is.
  • This is not weaning. It helps to remember that. Weaning is a slow and gradual cessation of nursing. A strike is sudden and abrupt. He needs your help to return to the breast. He wants to, he just needs a lot of reassurance that it’s ok. It’s your job as a mother to know that it’s too early for him to wean and is in the best interest of his health and emotional welfare to return to nursing.
  • You may need to pump to keep yourself comfortable if baby won’t nurse at all. If you do, that’s ok. Just pump and store your milk, or hand express it if you don’t have a pump. You can offer it to him in a sippy cup or freeze it for an emergency stash. This will also help if you’re concerned about supply. But you’ll need to take care of yourself so you don’t get engorged and end up with plugged ducts or mastitis. Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for any discomfort and don’t forget to keep drinking your water.
  • Try to nap/sleep with baby. A strike is an exhausting time for you and baby and you need to be well rested physically and emotionally to get through it.
